Welcome to the Citizen Portal
School Admissions - before you start:
Make sure you have read the admissions policy of the schools you are applying for. The admissions policy can be found on the individual schools websites.
Make sure you have read how we process your application form. This information can be found on the Newcastle City Council website here
Free School Meals - before you start:
- Make sure you have read how we process your application form. This information can be found on the Newcastle City Council website here
Special Educational Needs Disability (SEND) Travel Support - before you start:
- Make sure you have read how we process your application form. This information can be found on the Newcastle City Council website here
SEND - Education Health Care Plan Assessment and Review - before you start:
- Make sure you have read our helpful information on our Newcastle Local Offer website here
Forgotten your Password?
If you are already a registered user then login and apply using your previous login details. if you cannot remember your password please use the "Forgotten your Password" option under the Login button.
Having technical problems?
If you experience any technical issues with School Admissions and Free School Meals, please email us with full details to
If you experience any technical issues with SEND Transport or SEND EHCP Assessment and reviews, please email us with full details to
CapitaOneDataQual@newcastle.gov.uk. We cannot personally resolve technical issues within the Teams and emails will be escalated to our technical IT team. Please note that our office hours are Monday to Friday 9.00am to 2.30pm. Emails and calls will not be responded to at weekends.